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Grand Theft Auto V (Review)

So we've reached a landmark, I can't believe it. Grand Theft Auto V is the greatest cop killing simulator i've ever played and I mean goddamn is it brain-numbingly fun. Wait wait wait. Let's be completely serious here this game is faaaar from any “cop killing simulator” that the media may seem to think about Rockstar's next entry into the franchise. Now, while this game is developed about 15 minutes up the road from me, I may be a little bit biased but let's just start this review by saying what a fucking game, I mean really. After playing the game to a lengthy extent and finishing the main story I really did start to doubt exactly how good this game was. But then I watched a video that reminded me exactly what this game was, I started to question how big this game world was? Is it fair to say that it is massive or populated? Yes and No. There are a lot of empty spaces left to the players imagination but that's kind of what makes the size of the map so enthralling, is the imagination that the developer has left to the player and I feel that's what keeps me so interested in this world.

Although the world may not be as populated with characters as say any Bethesda game it's the characters that you play and meet throughout the story that make the difference, every single one of them is indeed bursting with relatable charm and some with loathing hatred. Okay, so maybe all the main characters are not really likeable but you cannot say that they all have traits that do somehow relate to all of us as people, Michael; A man with a failing marriage and all the money he could ever need and more. Plus a previous history in criminal activity of which he has given up but still has violent tenancies. Franklin; A young man with a good sense of humour who is trying to make a living for himself albeit through corrupted means. Then there's Trevor, but as the trailer said, “The less said about him, the better for everyone.” Although this may be true, I wouldn't be doing a good job to review the game without mentioning possibly the most interesting character in any game in a LONG time. Screw Farcry 3, screw any other game that I can't remember that hyped their characters to be crazy. Trevor is exactly that perfect symbolism of craziness that you can really relate to and enjoy playing. Especially if you give him a hobo beard. 'cause y'know... hobo beard.

Although the world is massive and the story is rich, the side missions seem short and much of the filler comes from driving from point A to point B while said side missions seem short compared to the drive towards them. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a baaaad thing, this is just a nit-pick as I know the Online mode will be sufficient enough to interest any player in some entertainment whenever they are bored but at the time of writing the Online is not available and it really does seem to lack on that front.

So maybe get a verdict to close out this review? Buy this game. Just go buy it. This game is indeed available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 and as great as a PC version would be I feel like the wait could be a long one so just go and get it. But as I have heard do not buy any digital versions and they don't have the disk drive bandwidth to utilise to buffer parts of the world during gameplay. Buy a disked version on PS3 in my opinion as I have never ran into any problems throughout my 25+ hour playthrough. So yeah; buy it, complete it, love it and if it ever comes out on PC then buy it again!


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