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Assassin's Creed 2

Welcome to the land of bad accents. But hey! They're all Italian, it doesn't count. Assassin's Creed 2 follows the story of Desmond Miles entering the Animus to unlock memories of his ancestors to find out where the artifacts of Eden are. These artifacts have unlimited power and could help for when the Templars unleash their full on attack. But somewhere down the line the Assassin's have hidden the artifacts due to their unimaginable power. So that's why we have the Animus, so we can ruin their plan.

Desmond is using the Animus for "The Bleeding Effect" in which if he spends extended time re-living the lives of his ancestors he will eventually gain the abilities they once had. During Assassin's Creed 1 we weren't able to see any of Desmond's abilities other than Eagle Vision in which he could see Subject 16s redecorating of all the rooms ,that Abstergo once tried to hide, covering them in clues and glimpses into the future. In Assassin's Creed 2 you see these drawings appear throughout the main story of the game and they get explained. The reason Desmond can only use his abilities at the end of the first game is simply because the bleeding effect granted him the ability to understand it. At the end of the game a series of emails, from Lucy, were sent to "??" asking for help. 12122012 What does that mean? It was written on the wall of Desmond's room at the end of AC1, a developer said it's a date, 21st December 2012 (21/12/2010) could that be the date of Assassin's Creed 3, the final chapter in the saga? Possibly.

Assassin's Creed 2 starts very very quickly, with it taking place straight after the end of AC1, Desmond is staring at the "blood paintings" on his wall when Lucy breaks in covered in blood. And she tells us to bloody run! Abstergo has found out Lucy is a operative of the Assassin's and they must get out of there it's at this point things become clear as you see a huge factory floor full or Animuses… Animi? Yeah, okay. So it means Abstergo wants their pieces of Eden. Desperately. Elevator codes are unknown -Eagle Vision- ..Never mind. Desmond already proves he's the beginnings of a great assassin. Once you get further you see that his combat skills…. suck. You then find out who Lucy emailed at the end of AC1 it was Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings. The two most useless people ever. But still good to have around.

This time around you follow Ezio Auiditore da Firenze from birth to …the end of the game. You watch as he has a good time with his brother to the death of his family, he then inherits his fathers profession. Gee, what's his dads job? Blacksmith? Tailor? No, Assassin…. So, Ezio takes on the role of becoming an assassin. His first job was to assassinate those who killed his family. Once he does so in typical stealthy style he decides to yell out his full family name and reveal himself to the enemy… :facepalm: Annnnyway… Throughout the game he continues to get more and more abilities including the always incredibly useful grapple leap, allowing him to leap upwards to grab a ledge. Taught to him by thieves.

I'd rather not go into too far detail with the story as I try my best not to spoil anything. But of course as a reviewer that's not always possible. Basically all I can say is buy this and be prepared for an awesome story of love and loss. Also blood and sex. And a very boring middle section, but ever game has that really. You don't need to own AC1 as the beginning intro video pretty much sums everything up. Without revealing too much, the ending is…. Nah, I'll let you figure out.


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