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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Once again as we enter cheesy parts of Italy, we follow Desmond Miles struggles to keep his ancestors memories at bay, when we left him in Assassin's Creed 2, they were escaping Abstergo's assault on the secret location, when Desmond started to see some of Ezio's memories while he's in reality beating up "baddies". Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood brings a refreshing look to the franchise as it's annoyingly labelled in the archives as AC2.5 and not Assassin's Creed 3, so you can't expect TOO much from this game. 

Combat in-game is exactly the same as AC2 with a few new additions such as the head butt and new weapons, they are the same categories as before but… more. Better swords, better knives but also much larger price caps! Weapons are sooo expensive at the beginning of the game but throughout the game as you destroy Borgia Towers you can renovate parts of Rome, building Blacksmiths or Tailors to help you in your assassinations. Along with the main story you also get Templar lairs, Thieves missions and of course, Assassination targets.

The game features a wide rang of unlockables, in Rome, there is only 10 feathers as opposed to AC2 which had 50. Of course it doesn't mean they're easy to find, they're actually hidden in the most obscure areas of the game and some are only available if you renovate something to help you get up there! Also the comeback of TREASURE! Whoo, those annoying things that glitter when you get near them. Also the flags that you collected in the first game are back in the form of Borgia Flags. AC:B has really taken the best from the past games and created the granddaddy of them all...

The story lacks a bit, feeling like a retro arcade and the annoying 1-try games (Asteroids.. I'm looking at you...) as you complete missions you will get given a "Synch bar" before you accept telling you your secondary objective which you don't need to do but being a completest, I had to. So these additional objectives could be something simple as "Don't lose more than 5 health squares" which is easy when you don't even have 5 health squares but others are just plain frustrating such as "Do not take any damage" or the even worse "Kill your target with the Poison Blade" Yup.... horrible shody stuff. Anyway, it's all good and is actually possible to complete. 

The game is split into chapters just as the other 2 were but this time you actually get to travel as Desmond for a short part of the game, although this is a small technical thing, AC fans have been waiting to do this for a long time. Since getting the Hidden Blade at the beginning of AC2 we've just wanted to stealth assassinate one person as Desmond, just to see what it'd be like. I don't really want to reveal much about the end of AC:B but.... HURRY UP AND FINISH THE GAME. The ending is the biggest shocker i've seen in a video game since I found out the ending to Metal Gear Solid 1 didn't matter in the slightest! Definatly one of the best games of 2010 it's just a shame that it's more of an expansion and not something new. Either way, the AC storyline just keeps getting better and better....


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