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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Review

The worlds largest gaming franchise has returned taken by the helm of Sledgehammer Games and as always, Activision whom are seeming more evil by the day. Modern Warfare 3 is the continuation in the long running yearly franchise in where you take control of a soldier and then shoot through endless enemies in the hope that someone calls in a helicopter and flies you home... That and there's multiplayer of course.

As with previous Modern Warfare's' the story is key, Modern Warfare (MW) is renowned with being the strongest narrative in the COD franchise, not hard with Black Ops sucking, and with it's recognisable characters with extremely strong screen presence create a bundle of emotions and scenarios created perfectly to immerse you in these fictional wars, MW3 takes place in recognisable locations throughout the world, moving away from "real-ish" war landscapes of Afghanistan to move to Hamburg, London, Wall Street and several other locations that are a lot of fun to play in and see the destruction they have designed in every second.

With a strong story behind it and this being the final chapter in that story, Makarov needs to be hunt down and killed for the baddest deeds he has done, maybe the naughty step is in order? With scenarios throughout the game that you probably would have thought should have been the deleted scenes from Saving Private Ryan (Yes, there are explosions) the game establishes it's locations well and does well to blow them too hell.

After a measly FIVE hour campaign I can easily say that MW3's story is the biggest let-down since everyone got those Avatar Achievements, not to discount the work or the interesting story telling but with a slightly anti-climactic ending and with all emotion strapped from the game completely creates a dusty box for my game. Throughout the story many things happen that should create emotion in the player but for some bizarre reason throughout this game, even though they do, It felt like I was just a faceless soldier, no better than the ones I was shooting. And when these dramatic events happen I just felt nothing but the trapped wind in my stomach. This is not good for any game and especially of a game by this standard because it shows a complete lack of interest in the user fan base, obviously the main drawing point for the game is Multiplayer but to miss an opportunity like that in the main narrative is downright stupid.

Speaking of multiplayer, if there was any doubt, it's in this year; and it sules... that's my hybrid of sucks and rules. I don't usually rate any game by stars, and I'll continue to do so but there's a reason I don't rate by stars and it's not JUST because one of my teachers once told me it's a bad way to express my opinion but it's also because I enjoy delving into the deeper message of things and WHY they either suck or rule; maybe I should create a Suck/Rule ratio? Maybe it'll catch on better than a 3.00 K/DR? Multiplayer returns with a boatload of killstreaks, maps and guns and explosions and cars and newbs and vets and K/DR enthusiasts and casuals and fanboys and clans and trolls... The list goes on but there's one thing that never seems to drag on, and that's a multiplayer match. Usually in past games a match could drag on for a long time but this year any given random match is set at 10 mins and if you don't reach the points by then, then the game will end (obviously) but what makes this year so interesting that Sledgehammer have managed to design maps that flow extremely well and by that I mean that every game is somewhat individual and there are always new and old vantage points to use for peoples specific uses. An entertaining one is on the map "Dome" where if you head down the hill there's an excellent little area for gun fights but it's large enough for snipers to use as a vantage point by either hiding behind a tower or shooting from the hill above. And ofcourse someone can always come from behind and just kill him, but where's the fun in that? TOMAHAWK!

If there's one thing I hate about this years multiplayer is that it's constantly telling you "You're doing well" and if you haven't noticed by now, after every game a screen will appear saying how many kills/deaths you got and then it'll tell you you're acolades and THEN it'll tell you what's upgraded and unlocked and after that it tells you how much EXP you need to level up. And that's after EVERY match. After every few kills you'll unlock a killstreak and then you'll be able to drop a missile on someones head. After a few deaths you'll unlock a deathstreak. After a few kills you'll level up your gun. After doing something completely obvious you'll unlock a title or emblem. And it's all these things that are constantly pushing you to continue playing by saying "You're doing well" and it'll continue to reward you. It's almost like a caring dad trying to teach you to learn to ride a bike; he'll always say you're doing well, even if you fail. So it's not that multiplayer this year is great, it's that it's constantly telling you what an amazing job you're doing and that's what bothers me the most because it creates this idea that there's always someone looking over my soldier while i'm shooting someone and there's never that sense of the independent soldier or that I might actually be the ultimate killing machine, instead I get all these unlocks I'll never really use and i'll always be locked under the controlled customisation options until I be told otherwise. IF I happen to like the P90 I don't fully understand why I have to use other guns until I get up to that rank and even when I do get to the P90; the gun i've been using already has all these attachments and perks and extra little bonus' to make me cooler but once I unlock the P90 I have to use it from level 1, meaning that the P90 doesn't have ANY of those unlocks, so essentially I'm already using a worse gun than I was using for those 30 levels leading up to this unlock.

So to wrap up, story mode is weak and multiplayer is like a Obsessive Compulsive Father figure. I haven't even delved into Spec Ops because I think it's really what kills this game. The survival is slow and boring and then there's the specific missions which take levels from game and multiplayer maps and give you seemingly impossible tasks to carry out. Why bother, just play Gears 3 Horde Mode, it's atleast 10000x more fun and has tonnes more blood... and chainsaws.

Now I'm sure there's another game out just now with dragons? See ya' next year COD...


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