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Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

For the first time, a video game based around a comic game was actually interesting, Batman: Arkham Asylum by Rocksteady Games was a huge undertaking as a story penned by the writers of the comic books and the voice talent of Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, Warner Brothers had kept their eyes open during the entire development of the game as each meter of the game is pitch perfect, from the huge lavish interiors to the dark gritty sewers. Levels are well designed and well sewn together. Not that the game is without it's problems but it's all just too great to all take in at once, this review might blow my head off, but we'll never know... unless I don't finish this review, then we'd know if my head blew off...

On with the review! So to begin, Batman has once again caught Joker in some diabolical plan and is re-admitting him to Arkham Asylum for whatever dastardly deed he has done. Joker has Harley Quinn at the ready and he somehow manages to twist EVERYTHING to his way. From releasing Killer Croc to having Henchmen take over the Arkham staff uniforms. And why is he doing this you may ask? Why, he's throwing a party for Bats. I agree, it's all a little far fetched but I would suppose it makes sense for Joker, huh? So throughout the game you must progress throughout the entire Arkham complex and put all these evil-doers back in their cells. It's never quite as easy as that though....

As your progress through Arkham Asylum, Batman will acquire new gadgets to use and blow things up (like my head). In the beginning you start with the basics, grapple gun and batarangs. For some reason you can't grapple people (at the beginning anyway) and it's kind of distracting. I just want to yank people away from a group and take them out one by one. But if you want to do that you'll have to take to the skies as you can grapple up to scaffolding or gargoyle statues and silently take the victims out one by one. This really compliments Batman's style and it makes you look so much cooler if you pull off a silent take-down in front of friends because they all just go "Awww" or "OOOHHHH!!!" as Bats beats the snot out of some over-muscly green dude... Ouch...

I'm trying my best to keep this short and simple. And yet there's so much I'd love to talk about. Such as how Rocksteady, the new games market backed by Warner Bros. could easily create a game better than Treyarchs' Spider Man 2 or even Spawn Armageddon with little effort? You could possibly connect it to the fact that in the modern age, we as gamers are getting used to our games having advanced graphics and as many game play 'mechanics' as we can get. Maybe instead of beating people up, like in Batman, we can use several 'mechanics' to take down our enemies and there is no 'right' way to take them all out. Just do your best.

Why does he run weird? Anyone else notice Batman runs like Joker stuck a pair of his laughing teeth up his... uuhh, 'utility belt.' The cape is cool though, it hides the awkwardness of the running. The camera is also weird, it's so stiff (sexual innuendo tee-hee) seriously! Why does it have to be so close and so glued to Batman, I was trying to survey the area with the camera and instead I got a 360 shot of Batman's armour. If I wanted that, I'd head into the Character Trophies.

This game is like a kitten. (Bare with me here) It's really soft and has a hard history but DAYUM that thing can bite. Not saying it will but it most probably will.


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