Okay so, Kingdom Hearts is a big pond to jump into, so I want to lay some ground rules for this review first. I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan, having played every mainline entry in the series since Final Fantasy VII, I would like to consider myself a big Final Fantasy fan boy. I played Kingdom Hearts back in 2002 on my cousins’ PS2 and found it to be tremendously boring and I just didn’t understand anything going on... This will be addressed in the review so don’t go crazy yet. Close to the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 (KH3), at the time I was working in a game store and it’s always required that you keep up to date with the new releases so I needed to know something about this series going into the third instalment (well… it’s actually the 12 th or so game in the series but whatever). It should be noted, in preparation for the release of KH3 to the general adoring public, they released every single KH game in packages that tie into the story culminating epic that is KH3. King...