Final Fantasy 7 (FF7) is a masterpiece. What makes it a masterpiece? The combination of in-depth combat mechanics, a strong main scenario, great character development and an incredible soundtrack to boot. FF7 is the physical embodiment of when the stars align. Squaresoft had developed 6 mainline Final Fantasy (FF) games prior to 7, but this is the incredible culmination of everything they had learned from previous games as well as the fortuitous jump to 3D with the Sony Playstation. That was 1997, now we sit in 2020 with Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) finally being out. This review will remain spoiler free for the Remake but may contain spoilers for the original game so tread carefully if you wish to remain completely spoiler-free. FF7R opens with a gorgeous cinematic that establishes this game world of Midgar. FF7R is a multi-part series, positioned as a narrative epic by Square that wishes to transcend the original game by telling a story that goes beyond the scope of th...